Friday, June 17, 2011

A Walk from Pooley Bridge

Walking along the shoreline of Ullswater from Pooley Bridge

Heading inland away from Ullswater the skies were still overcast but no rain

Rita is ecstatic that our rain gear is still in the backpack

 Heading through a farmers field with the Fells in the background

It rained for most of the day, which was welcomed by the locals and not so much from the fair weather walkers.  Did chores most of the day such as laundry, filling up the car with petrol, grocery shopping and catching up with emails until the rain stopped enough for us to consider venturing out for a walk.  By this time it was late afternoon as so we did not want to venture too far from home.  We drove to a small village called Pooley Bridge which is close to Ullswater and walked along the shoreline and into the fells.  The walk was far less dramatic than yesterday's Ullswater walk but it got us outside for a couple of hours.  Tomorrow promises to be sunny and if true we will take a strenuous walk up one of the fells.

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