Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Island Hopping - Iona

 Iona medieval Nunnery ruins

13th Century Iona Abbey has been rebuilt many times as the Island was ofter attacked by Vikings
On one of Iona's spectacular white sand beaches

Rita getting up close and personal with some of Iona's locals

Iona is a very small Island but is famous as the birthplace of Christianity in Scotland.  St. Columba, an Irish priest left Ireland and landed on Iona in 563 and established an Abbey.  His monastic community flourished and Iona became the centre for Celtic Christianity.  In fact, several ancient Scottish and Scandinavian Kings were buried on Iona, including Shakespears Macbeth.  Today, Iona is a very pretty and tranquil place that makes its living from tourism, sheep farming and fishing.  We had a wonderful 2 hours strolling around the island before heading back to catch the ferry for the short ride back to the Isle of Mull.

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