Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oban to the Isle of Skye

 Stopped along beautiful Loch Locky for a picnic Rita laid out on the car hood

View of Loch Garry on the way to the Glenelg Ferry

 Spectacular reflections of the hills and sky in Lock Loyne along the one track road to Glenelg

In the Glen Shiel (valley) with the impressive Gran Bretana in the background 

View from the 1,100 ft (370m) summit of Morn Ratagan Pass

The manually turned "turntable" ferry that takes you from Glenelg to the Isle of Skye

We are heading to the Isle of Skye today and there are three ways to get there by car and we have chosen the least used way to get there thanks to Fiona Frost.  Before leaving Vancouver, Fiona told us about this unique ferry trip from the mainland to the Island and so when the time came we programmed our Tom Tom and away we went.  Thank you Fiona as this was the most exhilarating experience I have had since coming to the UK.  The one track road was very intense as it took us over some gripping terrain, spectacular scenery and a very quaint ferry crossing.  By the time we hit the main road on the Isle of Skye we could not stop talking about the wonderful four hours we had spent getting here.  We found our B&B without any problems unfortunately it was the first time we have been disappointed with our choice of accommodation.  The place was showing its age and it seemed the owners did not really care about their guests experience, just their money.  Thank goodness we had a nice bed so we could get a good nights sleep as we were going to have a full day tomorrow exploring the Isle of Skye.

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