Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rita Speaks II

Working the computer in the drawing room at the MacKinnon Country House in the Isle of Skye

Our trip is winding down, it has to be, as we ran out of our two boxes of "Costco imported healthy Granola bars" in Inverness. That means I have to scramble for a snack between breakfast and lunch. Lunch most of the time happens either too late for my blood sugar or not at all, so I really relied on those granola bars. The trip is not completely over yet, but since I have the chance, here is my second  "Rita speaks".  It's funny, when hitting the last week of a trip, no matter where we are, I start thinking of packing up and going home. But it's also a time to reflect back to the fabulous time we have had and are still having in England and Scotland. We stayed in twelve different accommodations and were pleased with all our selections. I had to figure out eight different types of washing machine's, some were washer/dryer combinations and in two cases made no sense at all but we ended up with clean laundry. I really enjoyed the long, beautiful walks in the different countrysides and along the coasts. Geoff has driven us from down south all the way up north, on highways, motorways and most exiting single lane roads - a total of over 5,000 km. We both celebrated our birthdays, mine in England, Geoff's in Scotland, with wonderful meals. I have to say....."enough of the myth that food in the UK is bad", we have had many really wonderful meals and of course great Fish & Chips. I tried haggis for the first time in Edinburgh, various types of local beer, cider and of course we had tastings of Single Malt Scotch. The challenge I am faced with now is to reduce our luggage to accommodate the various bottles of Scotch that Geoff bought. Good opportunity to get rid of clothes that I am tired off after eight weeks of wearing and buy new when back in Canada - Fantastic! If asked what was the best part of the trip? It would be a real hard question because I am in awe of this beautiful and versatile country. I loved Beachy Head, Cornwall, The Lake District and of course beautiful Scotland. Maybe I was so fascinated by it all because I really did not know what to expect and was completely taken by a very, very positive surprise.
Before heading home to Vancouver, we  have one last stop. Tomorrow we are leaving for Kassel to spend a week with my parents. My Mom is looking forward to spoiling Geoff and I am all over that as I can do with the break!

At the sumit of Arthur's Seat just outside Edinburgh

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