Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Car Hiking

 Our trusty Vauxhall heading into the Newlands Valley on its narrow one lane, two way road

 Spectacular view of the Newlands Valley Fells with sheep farms dotting the valley

 Trail to waterfall at the Newlands Valley Summit Pass

Breathtaking view from the Newlands Valley Pass Summit
Creek running along the bleak and rugged Honister Pass

Spectacular view of Derwentwater from the cliff edge lookout

Not as sunny and warm this morning and the wind is moving the clouds very quickly.  As the weather is unpredictable we will take the car to some of the more remote places and go for hikes if the weather permits.  We were heading for the majestic Newlands Valley, an isolated area accessed by a one lane road and dotted with 500 year old family farms and a couple of small villages.  We got out of the car at the Newlands Pass summit and hiked to a waterfall.  By the time we got back the wind was howling and it felt a lot colder than the 7C degree temperature.  We headed up another steep trail but only lasted about 15 minutes before returning to the car (we are fair weather walkers after all) and continued our journey down from the summit.  We passed through the tiny hamlet of Buttermere with its scenic little lake and climbed back up to the very rugged Honister Pass strewn with glacial debris and remnants from the old slate mines that flourished here for hundreds of years.  We dropped back down into the valley and drove through several small hamlets before turning off and back up a steep narrow lane that took us to a parking lot next to a cute stone bridge.  We parked the car and headed up a trail that led to an amazing view of Derwentwater and the valley below.  After a bit of a walk along the trails we decided to head for home.  We ended up at the Gate Inn Pub, that is attached to our cottage, for a couple of welcome pints of the local bitter and ended up staying for a delicious dinner.  Apparently the weather can change in an instant at any time of the year in the Lake District and for this reason you need to dress in layers when going on walks.  Rita checked the weather forecast for tomorrow and it promises to be sunny, so the plan is to head out on our longest trek of our stay.

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