Monday, June 20, 2011

Island Hopping - Staffa

Staffa Island is an old Norse name meaning pillar island due to its basalt columns
Climbing away from the boat and dock on Staffa Island

Fingals Cave was created by sea erosion and is currently 60 ft high (20m) and 225 ft long (75m)

Looking back from the other end of Staffa Island where Puffins nest on the cliffs

Staffa is a tiny uninhabited island 6 miles off shore from the Isle of Mull.  It was privately owned until the last owner (an American) donated it to the Scottish National Trust.  Tourists can come by authorized boats to spend an hour exploring the island.  Walkways take you to the entrance of the cave and it's quite amazing to see how the power of the waves has created this massive cave.  The rest of the island is quite rugged with several trails leading to the steep cliff edges that are home to a number of seabirds including the puffin.  Unfortunately, we did not see any while on the island but saw several flying around when we were in the boat. 

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