Friday, June 24, 2011

Northern Highland Fishing Villages

The ex fishing community of Sandsend has a huge sandy beach and some very cute cottages

Rita walking Sandsends beach where surfers ride the waves instead of fishermen 

The still active fishing village of McDuff also has a long beach but is not very attractive up close

The stunning village of Gardenstown is sandwiched between massive cliffs into a protective cove

Gardenstown Harbour with some of the local water fishing boats

Rita on the trail that goes from Gardenstown to the tiny community of Covie

The 68 homes in Crovie are now mostly rented to tourists who are looking for some peace and quiet
 A small sample of the stunning countryside along the Scottish Highlands northern coastline

Today we went further off the beaten track and visited several fishing communities strung along the Scottish Highlands northern coast (Banff, McDuff, Sandsend, Gardenstown, Crovie and Fraserburg).  You won't find any souvenir shops here and half of them are so small they do not have restaurants or grocery stores.  The big bonus was the spectacular scenery and Rita and I wondered all day why this area is not that well promoted as a tourist destination.  However, we thoroughly enjoyed walking on pristine beaches or picturesque trails all by ourselves or strolled through the communities with hardly a soul around.  It was a great way to end our time in the wilds of Scotland for tomorrow we head for the big city of Edinburgh.    

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