Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Edinburgh Hiking

Heading up into the mist on the trail to the top of Crow Hill

 Standing at the top of Crow Hill enveloped by fog

 Heading down from Crow Hill and looking through the mist at Edinburgh below

Looking down at Arthur's Seat and Edinburgh from the top of Nether Hill

Rita is about to enjoy her first taste of Haggis at the Witchery Restaurant

The weather was not good today as it rained for most of the day.  We were still determined to get out and go for a hike up two of the larger hills that we saw when we went up Arthur's Seat yesterday.  Our first hike took us to the top of Crow Hill, the highest in the Edinburgh area.  The weather closed in on us as we got to the top but not enough to stop us from hiking up another trail that took us to the top of Nether Hill.  We were quite wet so we headed home for a hot shower and a glass of wine before heading out for what we hoped would be a very nice dinner at The Witchery Restaurant.  It's located  in a 16th century building and the interior decor reflects that era.  We arrived and were escorted to our table and started reading the menus.  The maitre d' came over and asked if we would do him a favour by moving to another table as he had a party of three just arriving and our table was larger than their normal two person table.  I liked where we were sitting and was a bit slow in responding and I think my body language also was implying I was not happy moving.  But Rita was ever so accommodating and immediately said "no problem, of course we would not mind moving".  We moved to our new, smaller table and a few minutes later the maitre d' returned with two glasses of champagne as a thank you for moving.  He then explained that the party had left as the process had taken too long.  I asked if our original table was free again and if it was could we move back as I preferred that table.  It was and so we ended up where we started but with two glasses of complimentary champagne.  A great start to the evening and it just got better as the food was delicious.  Rita and I had promised ourselves that we would try the Scottish delicacy haggis before we left Scotland and we ordered it as our appetizer.  We both admitted that it tasted better than expected but not something we would order on a regular basis. We ended the meal with a couple of very nice single malt scotch's that we had not tasted before.    The maitre d' came over again and asked where we were from and he told us he was also Canadian and came over to Edinburgh 10 years ago following his girlfriend and stayed.  We had a very nice chat about Canada, love and how he had picked up a very good Scottish accent.  It was the perfect end to a great day all around and it just goes to show that you can have a good time even if the sun does not shine.

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