Saturday, June 4, 2011

Experiencing the Bath Skyline Walk

 Having our deli sandwich and fortified beverage before going on our big walk-about

 Passing over the River Avon on the way to the entrance of the Skyline Walk

 Stopping to take in the view of Bath at one of the Skyline Walk meadows

 Climbing some steps along the trail in my dapper walking outfit

 Passing a quaint, stone built dairy farm as we walk up the trail to the surrounding forest

 Rita stepping over a stone stile in a wall to enter the next part of the Skyline Walk
Remarkable view of the countryside from one of the meadows on the Skyline Walking trail

Rita needed to get her hair cut so she found a salon and made an appointment.  I went and looked at some more old buildings before we got together for lunch.  As the weather was overcast we decided to go on a walk that we read about.  It was the Bath Skyline Walk which is a 6 mile (10km) circular route  through the hills surrounding Bath.  The National Trust has purchased 500 acres of forest and meadows up in the hills that surround Bath to preserve for future generations and have incorporated this wonderful walk into their lands.  For two years running it has been the most popular walk within National Trust lands in the UK.  After our deli lunch we changed into our walking shoes and headed off to the starting point of the trail, which was a one mile walk to the trail head.  It was a heart pounding hike as it went up several serious hills but the views were worth the effort.  Three hours later we were back at the apartment and in need of a hot shower.  It was a great way to end our time in Bath.

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