Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Tourist in London

British Columbia House will lapse back to the landlord at the end of 2011 and TBC will move to a new location
Westminster Abbey where Prince William and Kate Middleton were married
Big Ben at the Parliament Buildings
Geoff and Rita in front of Buckingham Palace
Last day in London and we decided to explore some of the icon places that both Rita and I have driven by countless times without stopping to see them. It was another hot and sunny day which made exploring on foot a pleasant experience. Packed and left our Chelsea apartment before our 10:00am check-out and took a taxi to Marlybone train station as we wanted to check our luggage for the day before going off to explore. Unfortunately, the train station did not have a luggage storage facility so Rita decided to use her warm smile and charming personality to sweet talk the doorman at a nearby hotel to see if we could store our bags there. It worked!!!! After storing our bags we took the underground to Piccadilly Circus and began our self made tour. First we went to visit British Columbia House as very soon it will no longer be called that as TBC will not renew their 99 year lease on the building. In the three years I was stationed in London for TBC I had some wonderful memories being in that building and will miss seeing the Canada and BC flags flying from its rooftop. From there we made our way to Westminster Abbey where the Royal Wedding had just taken place. The place is still crawling with tourists as thousands of people were milling about and lining up to get inside. We took a few pictures and moved onto the Parliament Buildings while crossing over and back on the Westminster Bridge that goes over the Thames River. Moved onto the Horse Guards parade grounds which are being readied for the Queens birthday celebrations, through St. James Park and onto Buckingham Palace. Again the crowds were amazing for this time of year. We heard helicopters whirling overhead and watched as three large ones dropped down behind the Palace and were sure it was the Queen and her entourage that were returning from their historic trip to Ireland. We were getting hungry and so headed for one of our favorite restaurants in SoHo, Cafe Bohem that has so many good memories for Rita and I. After a wonderful lunch it was time to head back to the train station, retrieve our luggage and head off to stay with my cousin in Beaconsfield for the weekend. On Monday we will be picking up our rental car and driving to Brighton on the southern coast of England.

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