Saturday, May 28, 2011

Off to See the Pirates of Penzance

Stopped for lunch at a Farmers Market in Devon to enjoy a Panini and the wonderful view
Our apartment in Penzance.  The top two floors are where we will be staying for the next 6 days
Rita on the balcony showcasing the beautiful view
 White washed row houses on a street leading down to the harbour front
Penzance harbour with St. Mary's Church towering in the background

Today we travel from the seaside resort of Brighton to the fishing town of Penzance in Cornwall, a total of 455km (283miles) and it should take 6 hours if we do not stop or hit any serious traffic bottlenecks.  With my bladder no stops is not an option, so we head off understanding this will be an all day drive.  It's also a holiday weekend for the Brits and so we are expecting the traffic to be heavy.  We were happily surprised to make it to Penzance in 7.5 hours that included several pee stops, lunch and a couple of traffic jams.  The great thing about driving in the UK is the speed limit: 135kmph (80mph) on 6 lane major and 4 lane secondary divided highways or 120kmph (70mph) on 2 lane undivided highways. There are Lot's of speed cameras and so most people keep to the speed limit and traffic flows very smoothly most of the time.  It's amazing that North America has the biggest cars and cheapest gas but the slowest speed limits!!!!

Thanks to our trusty Tom Tom we found our lovely apartment without any difficulty, unpacked, went for a stroll around town, had a lovely seafood dinner at the quaint Navy Inn pub before falling blissfully into bed.

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