Thursday, May 26, 2011

Down Day in Brighton

 Heavy winds created huge waves crashing over the Brighton Marina concrete barriers

The winds had calmed by the time we went on our stroll along the Eastbourne Pier and boardwalk

Woke up to rain and heavy winds this morning and decided to have a lazy day of reading and relaxing as we waited out the weather.  The rain finally stopped but the winds continued and so we finally kicked ourselves out of the apartment and headed for Eastbourne, a smaller seaside resort about 30km east of Brighton.  We took a walk around Old Town Eastbourne which has many attractive buildings before heading to the beach.  As it was lunchtime we decided to have a picnic and went to the local Marks and Spencer's to pick up some sandwiches, fruit and water.  The seafront was very similar to Brighton's with a pier, boardwalk and lots of hotels.  But it lacked the tacky commercialism that has invaded Brighton's seafront which was quite refreshing.  After a nice break on the beach it was time to head back to Brighton as we are leaving for Cornwall in the morning and need to do a bit of packing before dinner.  Went out to a local restaurant just around the corner from our apartment and had a very enjoyable evening.  As this is a Holiday weekend in the UK the traffic could be heavy and we anticipate the drive to take at least 6 hours so we will be leaving fairly early in the morning.

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