Saturday, May 14, 2011

Preparing for 7 weeks in the UK

Since we were traveling to England and Scotland from mid May to end of June, we needed a little warmth in our lives as you never know what to expect in the UK, weather wise. We had a wonderful and relaxing month of March in the hot and sunny Caribbean and are now ready for a more hectic and physically demanding trip.

Rita left early to visit her parents for 10 days before meeting up with me in London. This meant I was totally prepared for my trip long before my departure. I packed and had all my documents ready to go the same time as Rita so I just have to lock the door behind me and head to the airport on May17th.

I am writing this 3 days before my departure to London and my only apprehension is how the Canucks will do without me being glued to the TV set, cheering them on, during there run to the Stanley Cup. However, I will be following the results of the games on the Internet so Go Canucks Go!!

Rita has always expressed interest in seeing what the "real" England looked like as she had only visited London and my travels have not been very extensive either, so we thought touring the UK would be a natural for our next great adventure. We start in the south of England and slowly make our way up to northern Scotland. We will hopefully get a better understanding of what these countries have to offer in the way of scenery, history and of course local beers.

Hope you will keep checking on our progress over the next 7 weeks and please feel free to offer up any tips and suggestions you may have to enhance our journey.


  1. Have a great time both of you. I look forward to following your adventures! Pat

  2. What a fantastic picture of you and Rita in the Caribbean ! Hope you are having a wonderful trip so far!

    It is the Victoria Day Long weekend here so lots of traveler on the BC roads. Some poor man intentionally drove his vehicle at a high speed off the ramp at the Schwartz bay ferry terminal yesterday afternoon. We will hear more about why over the next few days on the news.

    As for me i am heading to the island for 2 weeks to visit mom and plant my vegetable garden at the lake house.

    BTW the Canucks have been wondering where you are? But say they will do their best to win the big one for you!

    Travel safely and I'll look forward to your next blog,

  3. Which one is Big Ben? Sounds like you are having a great time. At least you are having great weather. The Blog is great. Wonderful pictures. Enjoy and best wishes from the family!
